FlowCAD supporte les étudiants des universités, des écoles et d'autres instituts éducatifs. Sur le site FlowCAD Online University vous trouverez des informations gratuites, littérature recommandée ou des liens vers des tutoriels YouTube y compris des circuits de test à télécharger. Les étudiants peuvent demander des licences gratuites à des fins éducatives uniquement. Il existe également un programme pour les professeurs et les enseignants.
A l’installation PSpice certains circuits sont déjà inclus comme exemples. Les exemples se trouvent dans le menu sous Help > Learning PSpice. Chacun de ces exemples explique en anglais la théorie d’un circuit et donne un guide pas-à-pas pour la simulation. Le schéma de circuit et les modèles de simulation sont tous déjà installés et peuvent être utilisés immédiatement.
Les documents de démarrage rapide fournissent des instructions (SPB22.1 and 17.4) faciles à comprendre, en particulier pour les nouveaux utilisateurs des outils PCB de Cadence.
Ils ne constituent pas des instructions d'utilisation ou des documents de formation complets. Veuillez noter que les documents sont tous en anglais.
Grâce aux guides de notre partenaire EMA, vous pouvez apprendre de manière interactive les principes de base de Capture, PCB Editor, Presto et PSpice.
Procédures complètes étape par étape
Reference Circuits and Examples
CapacitorBelow you see a selection of basic electronic circuits. There is a link for a video tutorial, which describes the behaviour of this circuit. The circuit is ready for simulation in PSpice and can be downloaded for free as a .zip file. You can easily reproduce the circuit simulation results and exchange components and settings to better understand the circuit for your own education.
Capacitor Diode Transistor Op Amps Oscillators Filter 3 Phase Power Other
This tutorial is about voltage-smoothing and filtering with a capacitor.
reference design
This short video is about the phase shift occurring between voltage and current.
reference design
This video is about the structure and operation of a boost converter.
reference design
This video is about switching of inductive loads with a transistor and a flyback diode.
reference design
This video is about a series voltage regulator with a Zener diode.
reference design
This video is about capturing a current–voltage characteristic for a diode.
reference design
A bipolar transistor functioning as a switch is another basic circuit.
reference design
This video is about a circuit that is very commonly used in schools and universities.
reference design
Many integrated circuits for digital applications have an open-collector.
reference design
This video is about the use of a transistor in an emitter circuit.
reference design
In this video we want to talk about how to use an operational amplifier.
reference design
Topic of this video is the behavior of a Schmitt Trigger and its implementation with an amplifier.
reference design
This video is about an important basic circuit of electronics - Inverting Schmitt Trigger.
reference design
This video is about the basic structure of a digital-to-analog converter.
reference design
The video shows a tutorial on how to build a phase shifted oscillator.
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This tutorial is about a parallel RLC circuit attached to a DC-voltage supply.
reference design
This tutorial describes the structure and behavior of a low-pass filter.
reference design
This video is about the neutral voltage shift in unbalanced three-phase system.
reference design
Watch this video and learn more about the behavior of balanced loads.
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This video is about the six-pulse bridge circuit, also called B6U.
reference design
This video is about the concept of phase control, as it is seen in simple low power applications
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This video describes the application of a thyristor as a switch.
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In this tutorial we want to describe the stabilization of voltage with the LM317.
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This video is about a 555 timer as a monostable multivibrator circuit.
reference design
This tutorial is about the Root-Mean-Square voltage of an AC waveform.
reference design
In this tutorial we’ll describe how to use the 7805 voltage regulator.
reference design