OMNYA is a scalable integration platform between Cadence tools and your corporate data used in a PLM, ERP, or ordering database. With OMNYA it is easy to enrich your components with external part information. For example, prices and End-of-Life (EOL) information helps to select the right components for your design. With Library Management or BOM Management you can take it a step further and optimize your manufacturing process and overall cost.
OMNYA offers a single source of truth to provide consistent and accurate data. Easy access inside the design environment enables the best information quality at any time in a standardized format.
OMNYA Integration Platform can be installed and configured out of the box on premise or in a secure cloud.
OMNYA is particularly interesting for service providers who have to use various EDA tools including the necessary library management. OMNYA also offers interfaces for KiCad and Altium.
OMNYA is by default offered as a cloud-based solution available for users from different sites located around the world. The dedicated VPN connection assures the data flows in secure way. Cloud solution requires a minimal effort from customer side and literally no investments in hardware or servers. An access can be granted just by delivering credentials at once. On premise installation is also an option if preferred. It is all then installed inside of customer network. In both cases OMNYA is central web-based service offering design data and libraries.
The OMNYA Cloud data centre is directly connected to the internet via transit operators and internet exchange points (IXPs). Additionally a dedicated backbone network for connectivity between data centres and carriers is used. The cloud uses 100% renewable energy and is certified for the following standards: ISO 9001 Quality management, ISO 14001 Environmental management, ISO 22301 Security and resilience, ISO 27001 Information security management, ISO 50001 Energy management, SOC 2 Type II Data security and privacy, PCI-DSS Information security.
OMNYA comes with a number of predefined widgets displayed in common dashboard, which will most likely be used by all customers. Additional custom reports can be generated by forms or by certain filter setting. All reports can be exported as tab or comma separates files to external tools (like Excel, Word, ERP, PLM, ...). Reports can be generated manually or externally by using the API from the outside. Dashboard displays the system healthy and user’s waiting tasks.
In small companies OMNYA can work as a stand-alone solution, but when a ERP or PLM system like Arena, Teamcenter or others is installed, it will work as a subordinate. Through the access to the MSSQL server by using APIs the external system can control the data and the eCAD library. In this case OMNYA is working like a preprocessor and eCAD adapter. Tool integration into Cadence schematic, PCB Editor and library will still be handled by OMNYA, because it is easy to customize and flexible for changes required from the eCAD side.
OMNYA provides insight into the lifecycle status on electronic components and when they will be End of Production (EOP) or End of Life (EOL). It also provides information on whether a component should be purchased before its end of sale (EOS) date. In PCB projects, many components are on the bill of materials (BOM) and the life cycle information is available. The early visibility of obsolescence parameters in the design environment for engineers helps to establish proactive obsolescence management without additional effort. This reduces the number of unplanned redesigns due to obsolete components.
Introducing a new part or a part change usually requires at least two different engineer to check for validity. For example, when an engineer wants to introduce a new part, it might make sense, that the librarian first verifies, if such a part already exists. If not, librarian will create the symbol, footprint and add all meta data before the part is finally released. Such new part request flow is implemented in OMNYA as a four eyes principle. Per default configuration nobody should be able to introduce the new part or change any existing one without involving somebody else for verification. The expected approvements are listed for users on the dashboard.
Manufacturers are changing electronic parts during their lifetime. If a change in a Product Change Notification (PCN) has some implication to the designs where the part was used, some engineering changes are required. To trace back, where a part was used, each project has an associated bill of material with the different revisions of that part. OMNYA will scan the BOM and to show affected designs. If a part enters the End of Life (EOL) status, OMNYA will inform the designer, that the part will be or is already discontinued. Designs still in production need to be redesigned. The tool allows early planning of redesigns.
Parts are provided on a very high level as generic parts. They can be attached to one of many physical (real parts with manufacturer information) implementations or be not attached at all. Generic part includes usually used for a given type of component electrical properties along with schematic symbol and footprint. No manufacturer information. Generic part can be used on the schematic directly even without any physical implementation attached. Typically, discrete components where the exactly definition of source or MPN are not critical, can be defined in this way.
Physical parts are assigned to generic parts and provide information about real parts available on the market. They come with manufacturer and distributor information like the actual part name, ordering number, price, lead time and many other including environmental characteristic and also EOL if defined. Multiple MPN parts assigned to the same generic part are considered as an alternative, second source selection.
OMNYA is integrated on API level with leading part distributors services. It allows to search physical parts and next introducing them in the system for furthers usage. The synchronization of already saved information is also possible in order the get current EOL status (if provided), prices or lead time. The integration is based on end customer’s credentials what makes possible to take into account any special conditions agreed between the distributor and end customer.
SiliconExpert's service can be integrated into OMNYA to give users deeper data insight while selecting from over 1 billion available parts. OMNYA parts can be supplied and updated with SiliconExpert part parameters which provide information about lifecycle, possible multi-sourcing, component risk, and regulation compliance. Risk analysis covers close estimations which are priceless. OMNYA offers an interface to SiliconExpert, and the user has to have a valid contract with SiliconExpert to enable it.
Assemblies are assignments between electric parts and other non-electric part types. Assemblies can be placed on the schematic like any other parts and are visible with all non-electrical parts attached in the BOM. For example, this OMNYA feature allows to place MOSFET transistor "together" with heat sink and accompanying screw on the schematic.
Usability and fast reaction time are key features to improve the user acceptance of a data base application. OMNYA provides a fast and intelligent filtering. To search in large table the right values user can simply input multiple words (space separated) and the result will match rows containing those words. Even typing a few characters of the unique string will offer the correct search result. This kind of searching in available in all OMNYA tables.
OMNYA can generate physical part table files (PTF) for the Cadence schematic tool Design Entry HDL. OMNYA can be configured, that each part category (like Cap, R, IC) can have different attributes, which are used as key or injected properties for all CELLs in the PTF file.
OMNYA FastPlacer allows OrCAD Capture users parametric filtering of parts from the central OMNYA part database. After selecting the part it can be placed directly onto the schematic page. The selection decision can be made based on a preview of schematic symbol and footprint as well as all the metadata information and availability of the manufacturer part (MPN). This enables part selection based on all available information while placing components.
Universal and vendor agnostic OMNYA CSV BOM import allows to enable where-used functionality for parts. BOM accepts following properties: Part Number, Revision, Part Reference, Description. BOM may include parts not defined in parts database, however such parts will not be listed in where-used report. Lists are imported on project level, projects have to be defined in OMNYA prior importing. This creates a very usable link between parts and projects.
OMNYA supports the importing of PCB boards saved in IPC-2581 format. This allows the graphical operations like selecting given part or parts of the same type in the BOM in order to get them highlighted in board preview. This feature is available in OMNYA WEB interface and make possible to see the board displayed inside of web browser without entering any eCAD tools. This enables fast searching for affected parts in case of EOL or from any other reason.
OMNYA provides a unique library management with version control for schematic symbols and footprints. All library parts are subject of strict control what provides a high level of confidence especially when symbols are placed in schematic or on PCB design. This is essential that symbols are stored in common library and there no room for anything what was not validated during certain process. OMNYA provides such sophisticated operations like checking in which project the given padstack or customs pad shape was used. The graphical compare between different library part’s revision is also available.
Changes in the library are made by local users and change requests are uploaded to OMNYA. With the 4-eyes principle, the changes are approved or rejected. Once a change has been approved, the information is available to all registered users. Only the delta of changes is sent to the local libraries. The update is instantaneous and works very quickly even on low-latency networks. The library is synchronized after an offline user reconnects to the network.