inspectAR Product Features at a Glance

inspectAR Overview

When manually testing and during the bring-up phase of PCBs augmented reality can help to simplify the work significantly and identify errors more easily.

With the inspectAR augmented reality viewer, PCBs can be inspected, analyzed, debugged and revised. inspectAR supports PCB designers, engineers and technicians who can save a lot of time when bringing up prototypes, troubleshooting and repairing or in the quality assurance of PCBs with this view.

inspectAR enables board designers to create and distribute AR-powered support documents and guides. All users benefit from easily accessible documents and the ability to quickly view detailed information. The ability to filter means that the information you are looking for is available in the shortest possible time and the real image in the background eliminates the need for error-prone searching.

The frequent and tedious switching between printed circuit diagrams, EDA tools, loose data sheets and the assembled PCB is avoided. This is because inspectAR brings all the information together in one clear place. Values, data sheets, electrical networks and component information can be checked immediately. Important information from the design data is superimposed on the real PCB. If no data sheet for a component is stored in the PCB data, the tool can automatically search for the data sheet online using the integrated Unify Search Engine.

The inspectAR on-premise deployment allows unrestricted access to data within your own IT network. The server support enables data, comments, camera calibrations and other project-related information to be made available simultaneously on different installation devices within the development team. The authentication and identification of users is fully in your hands by using the Keycloak environment.

inspectAR Helps Today's Hardware Teams Turn a PCB Design Into an Interactive, Model-based Piece of Documentation

Product Features

InspectAR products
Scalable, according to your needs

Product Versions

inspectAR offers a scalable solution that can be tailored to the size of the company, the number of team members and the projects. Up to three people can collaborate on the same project. Data can be stored locally on a Windows or Mac computer. The Enterprise version for larger organizations allows use own on-premise deployment. inspectAR loads native .brd data from Cadence OrCAD X or Allegro X, and all intelligent manufacturing data such as IPC-2581 (.cvg, .xml) and ODB++ (.zip, .tgz), which can be exported from other tools.

PCB Viewer
PCB Overlay Viewer

PCB Overlay Viewer

Eliminate the need to constantly switch between printed schematics, EDA tool, loose datasheets, and your board. inspectAR brings all of your information in one place for you to instantly check values, datasheets, connected nets, and component locations. View your design data as an overlay to the real PCB.

inspectAR Technician
Can be used via app and on the desktop

inspectAR Technician and Engineer

With inspectAR, PCB data can be loaded in native Cadence .brd or IPC-2581 or ODB++ data format. In addition to the mobile app, the desktop solution is also supported. When using a webcam, the PCB can be recorded and viewed in real time. Various camera functions increase convenience when analyzing the PCB and working with inspectAR.

Einfaches Arbeiten auch im Team
Fast, simple and effective

Easy Work, Even in a Team

With inspectAR you can quickly locate every net, component or position on the PCB. Part information and data sheets for selected components can be displayed. The marking and comment function can be used to exchange important information within the development team and to create and document specific work instructions.

Prototype Bring-up

Prototype Bring-up

inspectAR shows its great potential for the use of the tool, particularly in the area of prototype bring-up or in the test field.

Collaboration with others

Collaboration with Other Users

inspectAR offers the opportunity to collaborate with up to three other users. Team members can be assigned via the web app. Calibrations, comments and status storage can be shared within the team. Many other functions are available for collaboration.

Multi-Display Support
Multi-Display Support

Multi-Display Support

With multi-display support, the desktop application has the ability to display information from the PCB as well as the AR live project clearly and simultaneously on multiple monitors.

inspectAR Enterprise
Enterprise Deployment

Enterprise Deployment

In addition to the desktop and mobile app, a Linux Ubuntu or Windows Server 2019 installation is available in the Enterprise expansion stage. By providing the server environment, data can be managed in the company's internal network without the need for an external Internet connection. Licensing and authentication also take place exclusively in the company network. The administrator has full access to all internal user data via the Keycloak interface and has everything needed for authorization and authentication at hand.

inspectAR Server
IT support by FlowCAD

Support in Setting up the Server Solution

Deploying the server solution is a simple and straightforward process. FlowCAD provides IT with straightforward support in implementing the server solution.

Start Your Free Trial Today

Use inspectAR free of charge with full functionality. Create a free account to unlock your download for iOS and Android. If you do not have a PCB at hand, a printed photo is also sufficient.
After the trial period has expired, access is automatically switched to the mobile version (inspectAR Personal) with restricted use.

Start Free Trial apple ios app store google android play store

Product Feature Comparison


Professional, Small-Mid Businesses and Teams

  • Includes an AR engine for testing, debugging, servicing, and repairing PCBs
  • Enables in-tool procedure execution
  • Standard Support

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Professional, Small-Mid Businesses and Teams

  • Enables procedure creation and procedure validation
  • Offers full technician functionality
  • Standard Support

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Large Businesses with Multiple Design Teams

  • Includes both Engineer and Technician functionality for all users
  • Configurable integration and visualization API
  • Automation API
  • 24/7 Support

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