PSpice Designer

PSpice Circuit Simulator

Even experienced electronics developers can hardly predict the behavior of electrical circuits. Therefore, circuits or only critical circuit parts are analyzed either by physically constructed prototypes and subsequent measurements or by circuit simulations. The trend here is clearly towards virtually simulated measurement, as the development cycles are getting shorter and shorter, and simulations can be used very promptly to make statements that correlate with measurements. Worldwide, PSpice has been the reference simulator for years, and most component manufacturers offer PSpice simulation models on the Internet.

Based on the circuit diagram drawn for a PCB layout, a simulation can be started. If necessary, the user inserts a current source or a defined stimulus and measuring points in the circuit diagram. This procedure is similar to a physical setup with function generator and oscilloscope.

What's New in PSpice

PSpice Simulation Circuit Analysis

Analyze and verify your analog and mixed-signal electrical circuits with the advanced PSpice simulation tools in OrCAD.

Validate Your Circuit Automatically Without Manually Plotting Graphs

Validate Your Circuit Automatically Without Manually Plotting Graphs

Virtually create and test designs before developing hardware, saving you time, money and materials.

Co-Simulate Mechanical and Electrical Systems

Co-Simulate Mechanical and Electrical Systems

The seamless bi-directional integration between MathWorks MATLAB / Simulink and PSpice lets you easily simulate electrical circuits and mechanical, hydraulic, thermal blocks in one unified environment.

Product Features

PSpice Integrated on OrCAD PCB Flow
PSpice Integrated on OrCAD PCB Flow

PSpice Integrated on OrCAD PCB Flow

Basic functionality of PSpice is integrated in the OrCAD PCB design flow. Design intend is entered in schematic entry tool OrCAD Capture and can be used to drive a PSpice simulation and develop functionality of the circuit. Same schematic can be used for documentation and simulation. The netlist can be created and the PCB Editor uses the schematic to cross probe during placement and routing. A comprehensive integration provides broad information and avoids errors in the design process.
PSpice Feature comparison

OrCAD PCB Flow Integration
OrCAD PCB Flow Integration

PSpice for Reliability Simulation

OrCAD PCB Designer Professional includes a full version of PSpice A/D incl. Smoke option. With this feature set you can perform a stress analysis of components and ensure you have components reliability as needed. Maximum de-rating of components can be determined and thus make a statement about the component load. The load can be specified in percent via model parameters. The developer is interested in statements about the types of load: thermal at maximum current and highest possible voltage, conduction of junction temperature in °C or thermal contact resistances jC and jA, as they occur in the circuit.
PSpice Feature comparison

Scalable Solution
Scalable to your needs

Scalable PSpice solution

PSpice is available in three configuration levels. The basic version is included in OrCAD PCB Designer license. PSpice Designer and PSpice Designer Plus are available as individual products that work with OrCAD, Allegro, but also with other design tools. A description of the included features can be found at:
PSpice Feature comparison

Product Feature Comparison for PSpice

    PSpice Designer PSpice Designer Plus PSpice System Designer
Analog circuit simulation
Digital circuit elements
OrCAD Capture -
OrCAD Capture CIS - -
Smoke Analysis
Systems Option -
Advanced Analysis -
Matlab Simulink co-simulation -
DMI Device Model Interface -
This table is for information only. For details consult the official Cadence datasheets.