Celsius PowerDC

Celsius PowerDC

Celsius PowerDC is a simulation tool for PCBs and IC packages to perform fast and accurate DC analysis along with thermal analysis that also supports electrical and thermal co-simulation. Celsius PowerDC enables you to quickly identify IR drop, current density, and thermal issues that are among the leading field failure risks. Powerful features, including sense line location optimization and simplified design-rule checker (DRC) confirmation, work in concert with the fastest available simulation to support design improvements without excess cost and schedule impacts. To simulate a PCB layout no models are required and first results are visible after a short setup and simulation time. Celsius PowerDC imports IPC-2581, ODB++ or directly imports .brd files from OrCAD and Allegro PCB Editor.

Fast Thermal and Electrical Analysis of Power and Ground System Performance

Product Features

Electrical and thermal co-simulation
Electrical and thermal co-simulation

Electrical and Thermal Co-Simulation

Current flow generates joule heating and heat changes the electrical behaviour and currents. A combined simulation maximizes accuracy and fully considers effects such as the increasing electrical resistance that occurs at higher operating temperatures. The Celsius PowerDC environment incorporates a task-focused workflow tuned for DC and thermal analysis. You can bring in design data from popular PCB layout systems (IPC-2581 and ODB++), and you will be guided through straightforward simulation set-up steps. A range of reporting and visualization options simplify issue identification, and interactive geometry editing enables what-if consideration of design improvement options.

Via Stress
Via Stress

Via Stress Analysis

In power and ground systems with higher current the change from one layer to another is often made with several micro vias. If you choose a matrix pattern, the current might not evenly spread across all vias and a single via might take more current than the others. In this case it is more stressed and is heating up. If the current is above the allowed maximal current for microvias the via will tear off and gets disconected or sets the PCB on fire. After the failure of the first via the current will be distributed among the others and stress the next one. This might end up in a sequential failure of all vias.

System Level IR-Drop
System Level IR-Drop

System Level IR-Drop

With voltage levels dropping and current requirements rising, accurate IR drop analysis is a critical step for today’s high-performance designs. Design teams that effectively manage DC loss are able to achieve required tolerances of 5% and less. They are also rewarded with welcome additional room to achieve AC noise margins. Rapid Celsius PowerDC simulations provide accurate results that take complex plane geometries and multiple voltage domains into account. Results are flexibly displayed, and post-layout DRC confirmation is provided.



PowerTree enables visualization and analysis of power supply networks already based on schematics. With PowerTree, setting up a PowerDC simulation, especially for complex power supply systems, is considerably simplified. Weak points that could lead to problems later on can already be identified from schematic.

YouTube Videos

Sigrity PowerDC

Heating of Printed Circuit Boards by Direct Current

Celsius PowerDC provides PCB designers with useful information during the design phase when designing the power supply system. By entering only a few details and without special knowledge you can get already valuable information about the problem areas in a very short time. By adding more information, the simulation becomes more and more accurate, up to the exact representation of reality and in compliance with measurement results.